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Children's Integrated Services

As part of the Children’s Integrated Services (CIS) team, the Early Childhood and Family Mental Health program provides mental health services to families and children from birth through 6 years old.

We provide mental health assessments, family and individual play therapy, parenting groups, in-home and child care supportive counseling and service planning, and coordination for parents. Early Childhood and Family Mental Health is participating with the rest of the children's programs at LCMHS in Vermont’s Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency initiative and all services provided to families and their children are trauma-informed. Parents and caregivers are expected to actively participate in developing a plan of care called the One Plan as a means to create the outcome goals for short term services (services that last between 3 and 6 months).

Children’s Integrated Services is a statewide prevention and early intervention program that promotes a child’s growth and development and supports families during pregnancy/postpartum and their child’s early years (birth to six). This program provides early childhood and family mental health, early intervention, family support, specialized child care, and nursing. Children’s Integrated Services helps identify, coordinate, and deliver early childhood prevention, early intervention resources and services for families.

In the Lamoille Valley, our Children’s Integrated Services team is based at the Lamoille Family Center in Morrisville.

Members from this community-based, multidisciplinary team include nurses, social workers, early interventionists, early childhood and family mental health consultants, clinicians, parents and educators.  The team meets weekly to discuss new referrals to the program.

Each member of our team offers a different area of expertise and is available to address concerns or questions identified by the parent or caregiver.

Our Partners: